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Get an Account Membership



Get an account membership from an account in your store


Path Parameters

    accountID stringrequired

    The unique identifier of the account that the account member is associated with.

    membershipID stringrequired

    The unique identifier of the account membership to update the details of the account member.



    data AccountMembershipResponse
    id string

    Represents the unique identifier for the account membership.

    type string

    Default value: account_membership

    Represents the type of the object returned.

    meta object
    timestamps object
    created_at string

    The date the account is created.

    updated_at string

    The date the account is updated.

    relationships object
    account_member object
    data object
    id string

    Specifies the ID of the account member.

    type string

    Default value: account_member

    Specifies the type of the account member.

    links object
    self uri

    A URL to the specific resource.
